Camp chair (rentals available) Chair will be tied into the boat and not inserted in your dry bag.
Jacket (fleece)
Personal toiletries including bio-degradable soap & small towel
T-shirts, shorts, long pants, and long sleeved shirt (quick drying best). White clothes not recommended since the river might stain them.
Small first aid kit (guides will have a comprehensive kit)
Spare car keys
Any essential valuables (purses, wallets, cell phones, etc.) should not be left in your car. It is better to pack them securely in your dry bag (preferably inside a zip lock bag) and take them on the river. Centennial Canoe is not responsible for lost or damaged personal belongings.
c. Optional
Camera in a camera dry bag or two zip lock bags
Garbage & zip lock bags (provides extra waterproof protection for your gear). Large tents that don't fit in your dry bag can be put in a garbage bag.
Hiking boots (light-weight) and socks (moisture-wicking best) and/or dry shoes for camping and hiking
Medium-size cooler: 24-28 qt. (use ice blocks - not cubes!)
Musical instrument
Paddle gloves
Soda pop/ drinks/ snacks
Pocket knife
Seat cushion
Water Blaster (gun) or map. These items may be purchased on our website.
d. Don’t Bring
Firearms or fireworks
Unprotected, expensive cameras
Portable speakers
Your trip is conducted on federal land where marijuana is illegal. Please do not bring unlawful drugs on your adventure. Let nature get you high.