Jul 11 - 15, 2012
* Adult discount if paid in full by 4/15.
** Deposits must be made per person.
Canoeing in Utah is an unforgettable odyssey. Paddling the spectacular 60-mile section of the Green River from Crystal Geyser south of Green River, UT, as it winds towards Mineral Bottom, just north of Canyonlands National Park, is the trip of a lifetime. Between the town of Green River, Utah, and Canyonlands National Park is part of the longest stretch of quiet wilderness water in the lower 48 states. As you canoe the Green River, the moving panorama is incomparable. The twisting, looping river winds its way between sheer, colorful sandstone walls, hundreds of feet high. Vast canyon systems and water channels branch in all directions, inviting hiking and exploring as well as providing excellent camping. Highlights may include hiking to Bow Knot Bend, the canyons of Trin-Alcove, plus Horseshoe Canyon. Old settler’s cabins, abandoned mines, historic outlaw hideouts, caves, ancient Fremont Indian petroglyphs (rock art panels a.d. 500-1200), and lush hidden springs await those who pass this way. Oftentimes, a layover day will be built into the trip for hiking. As you retrace Major John Wesley Powell’s 1869 route when he first floated this river and documented the area, remember his words describing his mission: “...to fill in the last white space on the map…”
The trip will begin in Moab, UT, where a local tour operator will transport passengers to the Green River entry point. Cars can be stored with the operator at no charge.
Green River Canoeing
Beginner; Ages 6+; Kids Prices 6-12 yr.
Trip Length
Trip Availablity
Open to Public